Monday, March 16, 2009


I remember when I was younger I thought that I would grow up to be the "cool" older person. You know that guy I'm talking about. Not the fake, never-grow-up, act-like-a-teenager-even-though-I'm-forty kinda guy, but the hip, not out-dated and weird guy. I thought I was well on my way to being that guy when I turned 30, but now that I am 38, I am beginning to see it slip away.

I think that when I turn 40, I am going to start wearing dark socks with sandals. I can only fight it for so long.

In your opinion, what makes an older person "cool"?


  1. being married to everett

  2. what makes old people cool? the fact that they're old and unapologetic. age does not equate knowledge or coolness.

  3. "coolness" is so matter how old you are...the coolest people I know (eg. Everett Bracken) are comfortable just being themselves.

  4. Wisdom and Courage. If lacking Wisdom, Prudence will do in a pinch. If lacking Courage, Modesty is a reasonable substitute.
